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OCR: · LANalyzer lor Windows Monitor Alanine Capture Decode Window Help Capture Buffer Hes Darthation e Lavor Summary læap FS-ADDEL.SON Query Hearest Advertising Print 5:41 This Workstatichp Resp Kearest: Sarver FS-ADDELSON FADHIH PS-ADDELSON Initialize Search [PS-ADDRISON ADHIN nep PS ADDELSON nep Aply Initialize Search Roa Smaxch tor File/SubDir PUBLIC PS-ADDELSON ADHIN ncp Roly Search tor File/ SubDir Packet Type: 0(Unknown) Watwork: 00 00 00 46 00 00 00 46 Hode: 00-00-10-OF-AD-EF 00-00-1D-08-16-FC Socknt; .. A *****...... HatVore Service Advertising Protocol 0x4002 SAP Type: 3 (Besrect Service Query) Server Type: 0x0047(Advertising Print Server) DO 00 10 08 16 FC 00 00 10 OF AD 195 00 25 ED ED 10 03 FF FF 00 22 00 00 00 00 00 46 00 00 1D OB 16 20: FC 04 $2 00 00 00 46 00 00 1D OF AD BF 40 08 00 30: D3 00 47 EC 02 56 57 81 7E 0A 00 43 F. G. Packet 1 Unikoted 173 Figure 2: A decode of the "Get Nearest Server" problem,